White N Reddish Pink Gerberas in a Glass Vase Delivery by Kolkata Online Florists
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Intensify the tissues of affection within you and your close one by presenting the person this Aromatic Affection Gerbera Assemblage and let sweetness of your bond be augmented. This Assemblage presents charming Gerberas of 12 Reddish Pink and White colour laid out in a nifty Glass Vase that is further embellished by a prim Bow-Shaped Yellow Ribbon.
Price: Rs.759 / $8.93
Assemblage of 18 Reddish Pink and White colour Gerberas in a Glass Vase embellished by a prim Bow-Shaped Yellow Ribbon.
Price: Rs.939 / $11.05
Earliest Delivery : 29-Mar Remote location may take one day more