Pure White Roses Bouquet Delivery by Kolkata Online Florists
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This flower bouquet contains: � 12 White Roses � Statice
Experience the timeless elegance of our Premium White Rose Bouquet. Crafted with 12 pristine white roses, this bouquet is a symbol of purity and sophistication. Accentuated with delicate statice, these blooms form a harmonious blend of textures and colors, perfect for any occasion. Whether its a wedding, anniversary, or just to brighten someones day, this exquisite arrangement speaks volumes. The white roses bring a sense of calm and grace, while the statice adds a touch of charm and refinement. Nestled in lush green foliage, these flowers make a stunning centerpiece or gift. Surprise your loved ones with this bouquets beauty and meaning, creating memories that last a lifetime. Each rose is carefully selected for its quality and freshness, ensuring a long-lasting display that captivates the senses. Let this bouquet be the message of your love, appreciation, or congratulations. Celebrate lifes special moments with the classic beauty of white roses and the gentle allure of statice. Embrace this elegant design and enjoy the serene ambiance it brings to any space. A gift truly worthy of cherished moments.
Price: Rs.1015 / $11.94
Earliest Delivery : Today Remote location may take one day more