Kolkata Special - Marvelous Eggless Butter Scotch Cake
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Enter into the heart of someone you admire by gifting this Marvelous Eggless Butter Scotch Cake that wonderfully paves a way for you. b>Product Details: - Cake Type: Eggless Crunchy Butter Scotch Cake - Variant: Eggless - Flavor: Butter Scotch - Shape: Round - Base: Butter Scotch Sponge Base - Garnishing: White Cream Frosting with Butterscotch Chips - Topping: Designed with Chocolate Swirls, Cherry and Chocolate Thins with Butterscotch praline on sides - Weight: 500 gms
Price: Rs.949 / $11.16
Earliest Delivery : 29-Mar Remote location may take one day more