Lavish Bouquet of 200 Roses Delivery by Kolkata Online Florists
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The bouquet is made of: � 200 Red Roses with Song of India Fillers � Tied with Red Satin Ribbon
Transform any ordinary day into an extraordinary one with this breathtaking bouquet of 200 red roses. Each rose meticulously picked for its rich color and enchanting fragrance, forming a lavish spectacle that captivates the senses. The Song of India fillers artfully interspersed throughout the bouquet add a refreshing green, symbolizing hope and serenity. The red satin ribbon beautifully ties it all together, offering a stylish and sophisticated finish. This arrangement is sure to bring joy, warmth, and a smile to the face of your beloved, making it an unforgettable gift for any romantic occasion.
Price: Rs.10999 / $129.40
Earliest Delivery : Today Remote location may take one day more