Charming Roses Medley Delivery by Kolkata Online Florists
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This arrangement is made of: � 6 Pink Roses � 6 Peach Roses � 6 White Roses � 6 Yellow Roses � A Reusable Basket
Indulge in the beauty of natures vibrant colors with this charming medley of roses. This charming basket is filled with 6 pink roses, 6 peach roses, 6 white roses, and 6 yellow roses, creating a stunning rainbow of hues. Each rose is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and freshness, making this arrangement a true delight for the senses. Whether you want to brighten up a room or send your warmest wishes, this bouquet is sure to impress.
Price: Rs.1529 / $17.99
Earliest Delivery : Today Remote location may take one day more