Attractive Gift Basket of Cadbury Chocolates with Red Roses Bunch from Kolkata Online Florists
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Order and send this Attractive Gift Basket of Cadbury Chocolates with Red Roses to your family and friends. This gift hamper is made of the following items - 1) Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk (60 gms) 2) Cadbury Temptation Rum n Raisins (72 gms) 3) Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almonds (55 gms) 4) Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruits N Nuts (36 gms) 5) Cadbury Bournville (31 gms) 6) Cadbury Five Star 3D 7) 2 pcs Cadbury Perk (14 gms) 8) Bouquet of 10 Red Roses 9) Basket.
Price: Rs.1539 / $18.11
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