150 Classic Red Roses Bouquet Delivery by Kolkata Online Florists
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The bouquet is made of: � 150 Red Roses � Wrapped in White Non Woven Paper � Tied with Red Ribbon
Immerse yourself in the alluring charm of our 150 Red Roses Bouquet. Each handpicked rose is bundled together in a striking arrangement that is sure to catch the eye. Wrapped in pristine white non-woven paper, the contrast enhances the vibrant beauty of the rich red blooms. Completed with a delicate red ribbon, this bouquet exudes elegance and warmth. Perfect for romantic gestures, celebratory events, or simply to brighten someone�s day. The tender arrangement speaks volumes of passion and affection, leaving a lasting impression. Each rose conveys heartfelt emotions, meticulously selected for freshness and quality. Enjoy the enchanting scent and lush appearance that speak universes of love. Whether you�re giving or receiving, the joy is wrapped in every petal. Let this stunning bouquet express your deepest emotions through natures undeniable beauty.
Price: Rs.4899 / $57.64
Earliest Delivery : 13-Mar Remote location may take one day more