Tea Chest - Tea Gift Box - Free delivery in Kolkata
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Deliver happiness into the lives of the special people in your life by sending this Tea Chest - Tea Gift Box, A beautiful symphony of Tea, fruits N flowers that will soothe N relax the body. This Refreshing Tea Hampers Consists of- a) Black Currant Blue Tea (10 Tea Bags) b) Rosehip N Hibiscus Red Tea (10 Tea Bags) c) Kashmiri Kahwa Tea (10 Tea Bags) d) Jasmine Tea (10 Tea Bags) e) Darjeeling Tea (10 Tea Bags) f) Green Tea (10 Tea Bags) g) Earl Grey Tea (10 Tea Bags) h) Masala Tea (10 Tea Bags) i) English Breakfast Tea (5 Tea Bags) j) Assam Tea (5 Tea Bags) k) Chamomile Tea (5 Tea Bags) l) Tulsi Chamomile Tea (5 Tea Bags)
Price: Rs.1499 / $17.64
Earliest Delivery : 31-Mar Small Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.
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